Fartinabag: Sherwin Plateau TIMELAPSE - VIDEO
Fartinabag: Dana contemplating Life
Fartinabag: Sam the Hulk reaches for the Crack
Fartinabag: Toping out
Fartinabag: Reaching for the Jug
Fartinabag: Super hero
Fartinabag: Running from wild bores
Fartinabag: Sam making love
Fartinabag: Helping create humidity
Fartinabag: Laughing because Adam fell of the cliff
Fartinabag: This dog will be our dinner
Fartinabag: Tin Foil dinners, hmmm
Fartinabag: Adam trying to Win Sam's heart
Fartinabag: Dana with the stem
Fartinabag: Amber drop knee steeze
Fartinabag: Doing it 1 handed