Fartinabag: Man eating Jelly Fish of Death
Fartinabag: A crown fit for a monster
Fartinabag: Jelly FIsh
Fartinabag: More Jelly Fish
Fartinabag: An upside down world
Fartinabag: Cousins forever
Fartinabag: Eric has his eyes closed
Fartinabag: Most dangerous creature in the sea
Fartinabag: LOOK a DRAGON
Fartinabag: It breathes fire and garlic breathe
Fartinabag: Lisa got an "A" in school
Fartinabag: And she is happy
Fartinabag: Christian likes to get veggies
Fartinabag: Veggies make you get the ladies
Fartinabag: Eric likes to scare people with knifes
Fartinabag: Knifes get the ladies
Fartinabag: Adam likes to wave
Fartinabag: then flex his muscles for the ladies
Fartinabag: Carlos likes to stare at computers
Fartinabag: then clap his hands because he is so happy
Fartinabag: Christian just made world peace
Fartinabag: Some homeless girl I took a picture of
Fartinabag: Adam rescuing the homeless girl
Fartinabag: Waiting for the waterfall
Fartinabag: Happy that the waterfall came
Fartinabag: The next generation of chairs
Fartinabag: I will...
Fartinabag: EAT YOU!!!
Fartinabag: Christian dodging lava