FarrahF: winter wonderland
FarrahF: Twas the night before Christmas
FarrahF: Deck the Halls with Angels
FarrahF: baby it's cold outside
FarrahF: The Ghost of Christmas Presents
FarrahF: Christmas Shopping
FarrahF: Santa Baby
FarrahF: Farrah MoNSTER-MaJORS & Rudolph the Red Nosed Bot-Deer
FarrahF: Lily James for Saks
FarrahF: happy holidays
FarrahF: Wedding Dress Monroe
FarrahF: Jo's shop drop
FarrahF: Shoppe time
FarrahF: SUPERMAN & Timber
FarrahF: happy holidays
FarrahF: Merry Christmas
FarrahF: happy Christmas and joy to all
FarrahF: Life's not Farrah but it should be!
FarrahF: HNY
FarrahF: MC ya'll
FarrahF: Tis the season
FarrahF: Farrah Monster-Majors in "The Headless Snow-Monster"
FarrahF: Farrah Monster-MAJORS & Rudolph the Red Nosed Bot-Deer
FarrahF: Two for the holidays
FarrahF: 2 on 1 with the "Peeps"
FarrahF: Easter bunny, Kill! Kill!
FarrahF: Gingerbread Men
FarrahF: do you hear what I hear?
FarrahF: Christmas Day