FarOutFlora: Wigs in shop along Oakland Art Murmur
FarOutFlora: Church at Egyptian Fest in Hayward
FarOutFlora: Zoe on Swings at Egyptian Fest in Hayward
FarOutFlora: Zoe swinging at Egyptian Fest in Hayward
FarOutFlora: Playing under the playground equipment because it was so hot at Egyptian Fest in Hayward
FarOutFlora: Zoe with a hat at Egyptian Fest in Hayward
FarOutFlora: The Crucible Open House
FarOutFlora: Potato Head at The Crucible Open House
FarOutFlora: Man striking hot metal at The Crucible Open House
FarOutFlora: art at The Crucible Open House
FarOutFlora: metal bones under glass at The Crucible Open House
FarOutFlora: Zoe playing with leg at The Crucible Open House
FarOutFlora: ceramic plates at The Crucible Open House
FarOutFlora: Zoe trying to eat a melon on way back from farmers market
FarOutFlora: farmers market loot from Jack London Square
FarOutFlora: The Conservatory of Flowers
FarOutFlora: Megan shooting the dahlias The Conservatory of Flowers
FarOutFlora: Megan and dahlias at The Conservatory of Flowers
FarOutFlora: Zoe with succulents at The Conservatory of Flowers
FarOutFlora: Megan and Zoe in GGP
FarOutFlora: The front lawn of The Conservatory of Flowers
FarOutFlora: Zoe at first day of daycare
FarOutFlora: Zoe on her birthday
FarOutFlora: Zoe got a tent on her birthday
FarOutFlora: Zoe laughing on her birthday
FarOutFlora: Megan in the Redwoods
FarOutFlora: Matti Zoe asleep and Megan in the Redwoods
FarOutFlora: Megan Matti and Zoe in the Redwoods
FarOutFlora: Instagram of Matti Megan and Zoe
FarOutFlora: Funny faces of Matti Megan and Zoe in the Redwoods