farouq_taj: London trip 0003
farouq_taj: Bedfont Lakes Country Park
farouq_taj: dockland cranes
farouq_taj: Being watched DSC_0001
farouq_taj: Keep clear DSC_0008
farouq_taj: Southall marketing
farouq_taj: White coffee DSC_0006
farouq_taj: Japanese fusion DSC_0004
farouq_taj: Popping out DSC_0063
farouq_taj: Life DSC_0020
farouq_taj: Reflection DSC_0007
farouq_taj: Red Indian DSC_0051
farouq_taj: Bus stop DSC_0102
farouq_taj: Urban mix DSC_0090
farouq_taj: Camden art DSC_0095
farouq_taj: Work in progress DSC_0012
farouq_taj: Euston Square DSC_0099
farouq_taj: Lit foliage DSC_0038
farouq_taj: Go DSC_0040
farouq_taj: The tube DSC_0097
farouq_taj: Euston station DSC_0106
farouq_taj: Closed DSC_0035
farouq_taj: Reflections DSC_0002
farouq_taj: Stanley in town DSC_0011
farouq_taj: Yellow strip DSC_0001
farouq_taj: BMC DSC_0029
farouq_taj: Afternoon at the Strand London DSC_0049
farouq_taj: Response unit DSC_0031
farouq_taj: Bus Stand DSC_0006
farouq_taj: Another world DSC_0089