FarmPlate: NOFA Conference Logo
FarmPlate: Young farmers mixer
FarmPlate: The Greenhorns' beginning farmers area
FarmPlate: The Children's Parade
FarmPlate: Representing the NH NOFA chapter
FarmPlate: Representing the RI NOFA chapter
FarmPlate: Leading a beautiful brown cow
FarmPlate: Food Forest Farm
FarmPlate: Hooke 'n Crooke Garden Tool
FarmPlate: Respect Your Elderberries
FarmPlate: Eggs and chicken keeping supplies
FarmPlate: The exhibition tent
FarmPlate: NOFA NY represents
FarmPlate: NOFA CT represents
FarmPlate: Worm castings up for auction
FarmPlate: The cow plop raffle
FarmPlate: Veggie sculpture!
FarmPlate: Carrot man
FarmPlate: The end of the Children's Parade
FarmPlate: Saturday evening's organic local meal
FarmPlate: Enjoying the organic local dinner in UMass dining commons
FarmPlate: Conference attendees camp out for the weekend
FarmPlate: Dr. Ignacio Chapela delivers Saturday's keynote address