farleyj: point the way
farleyj: like they're at a lunch counter
farleyj: a line through trees and weeds
farleyj: bridge mound
farleyj: tracks with insect
farleyj: tracks with insect 2
farleyj: contrail and rail
farleyj: RR bridge 1
farleyj: RR bridge 2
farleyj: RR bridge 3
farleyj: RR bridge 4
farleyj: RR bridge 5
farleyj: feathered sky, green marsh
farleyj: marsh / sky
farleyj: outposts
farleyj: concrete sign post
farleyj: rail joint
farleyj: keep it together 4
farleyj: keep it together 3
farleyj: keep it together 2
farleyj: keep it together 1
farleyj: staples in tar!?
farleyj: don't know why
farleyj: rails go on through to the twilight zone
farleyj: turntable
farleyj: retired railroad rotary [turntable]