farleyj: socked in
farleyj: help!
farleyj: the old train tunnel
farleyj: freezing fire
farleyj: horns
farleyj: stump climb
farleyj: chatty ducks nearby
farleyj: Newfoundland fishing port '72
farleyj: towards a vanishing point
farleyj: bog uncovered
farleyj: decompression
farleyj: Ralph; Yellow Head Island afternoon
farleyj: hay field beside abandoned house
farleyj: low tide searches
farleyj: nesting
farleyj: green ink sea
farleyj: dapplezapping
farleyj: piece of crab shell
farleyj: tracking
farleyj: which way? which way?
farleyj: 45th hand
farleyj: August highway
farleyj: tiny feather
farleyj: readout
farleyj: intricate confusion
farleyj: two moons
farleyj: tie s's
farleyj: barrage
farleyj: dry storm
farleyj: window dream