farleyj: "What the hay..?!!"
farleyj: head in a hole
farleyj: Farley doing an overview
farleyj: mt. top '94 / surveying wolf
farleyj: super-flyin' Lindy
farleyj: human, wolf, inuksuit
farleyj: a love between a lady and a wolf
farleyj: shy wolf under the table
farleyj: Farley and Holly's game
farleyj: warm wolf
farleyj: at the salt marsh
farleyj: as with Mr.Bojangles dog
farleyj: old wolf resting
farleyj: buddies
farleyj: Watchers
farleyj: Distant Noises
farleyj: that intelligent curious face!
farleyj: then he's goofy
farleyj: hurt feelings
farleyj: starting an agitated yawn
farleyj: Farley in trouble
farleyj: heavy wolf
farleyj: was hoping to finish up dry