farleyj: appreciating Salvidor Dali 2
farleyj: appreciating Salvidor Dali 1
farleyj: appreciating Salvidor Dali 3
farleyj: appreciating Salvidor Dali 4
farleyj: appreciating Salvidor Dali 5
farleyj: sunsweep plaque
farleyj: 1/3 of sunsweep by D.Barr
farleyj: rescued cupboard face
farleyj: statue from a T.V. show [and text]
farleyj: Eastport icon
farleyj: percussion frogs---carved
farleyj: art gallery operator's retired watch
farleyj: amazing
farleyj: amazing2
farleyj: amazing3
farleyj: battle in South Thomaston
farleyj: squirrel damage at bird’s mobile home
farleyj: mobile home feeder damaged by squirrels
farleyj: bus stop?
farleyj: the glorified Maine blackfly
farleyj: on poles
farleyj: spin and crash
farleyj: perpetual flight [reworked]
farleyj: not-anywhere shore graffiti
farleyj: conductor
farleyj: zombie castaways
farleyj: section of granite sculpture
farleyj: carved granite pieces
farleyj: Ink Splash [figures/scenes by Moebius]
farleyj: art college days