farleyj: low-rider
farleyj: waiting for attention
farleyj: chimney-fire ladder
farleyj: a closed gas station
farleyj: 66 million year old poop!
farleyj: spearpoints and arrowheads
farleyj: the middle isn't so slippery
farleyj: old Pontiac
farleyj: red white old Pontiac
farleyj: “pre-owned”
farleyj: chains
farleyj: Esso glass banks
farleyj: Esso door sign
farleyj: Esso
farleyj: "nice move, Ex-Lax!!"
farleyj: old keel piece
farleyj: crammed into the rock
farleyj: neglect
farleyj: the aristocrat
farleyj: Irish River #1
farleyj: aging
farleyj: old dog
farleyj: rescued cupboard face
farleyj: anchored
farleyj: walk your team
farleyj: builder's marks
farleyj: gracing an old window
farleyj: Ray's old ‘45 Harley