farleyj: inverted found face
farleyj: snowface with shades
farleyj: snowface 1b
farleyj: snowface 3
farleyj: snowface 3a
farleyj: soft tones snow print
farleyj: snowface 5a
farleyj: snowface 6
farleyj: found face 2
farleyj: melting face
farleyj: melting face 2
farleyj: melt face 3
farleyj: face melt 4
farleyj: aqualung?
farleyj: face melt 6
farleyj: 2 found faces
farleyj: 2 melting found faces
farleyj: the kiss
farleyj: snow portrait
farleyj: from snow
farleyj: smiling snowman
farleyj: someone had to do it.....
farleyj: ...barehanded and face-down
farleyj: sinister angel
farleyj: scream
farleyj: pushing through
farleyj: beyond comfort zones
farleyj: shocking
farleyj: my face pushed into slightly crusty snow left this print