farglow: Almost there
farglow: To Bucharest from Buenos Aires
farglow: Changing planes in rainy Rome at 6am
farglow: L1050597.JPG
farglow: L1050609.JPG
farglow: L1050610.JPG
farglow: L1050611.JPG
farglow: L1050622.JPG
farglow: Transylvania Airport in a mist
farglow: Driving through Bucharest
farglow: Driving through Bucharest
farglow: Driving through Bucharest
farglow: Nicolae Ceausescu former home
farglow: Nicolae Ceausescu former home
farglow: Nicolae Ceausescu former home
farglow: Nicolae Ceausescu former home
farglow: Nicolae Ceausescu former home
farglow: the production office
farglow: the office
farglow: the office
farglow: across the street from the office
farglow: Hotel Lobby Bucharest
farglow: Hotel Bucharest
farglow: Bucharest
farglow: L1050698.JPG
farglow: L1050699.JPG
farglow: L1050700.JPG
farglow: L1050701.JPG
farglow: Hotel room view of "People's Palace"
farglow: hotel room view