farglow: hare mat
farglow: Patio garden is flourishing
farglow: Patio garden II
farglow: Back to Basics
farglow: Django by the fire
farglow: Bedroom pussywillows and brush
farglow: New and improved BED!
farglow: Hound in Repose
farglow: Pre-Thanksgiving
farglow: before the turkey....
farglow: sweets!
farglow: pears
farglow: Justin lovessssss Katherine Higels!
farglow: Quilt of the Gods!!
farglow: Django loves Sam's blanket
farglow: Favorite spot in the house
farglow: Cheeky squirrel staring at me in my bedroom
farglow: monkey hangers
farglow: Fresh sheets
farglow: the orange tree in the backyard
farglow: new bed
farglow: Xmas tree!!!
farglow: My bedroom
farglow: headboard by Piper Olf
farglow: HEADBOARD by Piper Olf
farglow: kitchen