Far from Where?: postcard style with Imre and Krista
Far from Where?: On the lake
Far from Where?: The crew
Far from Where?: The lifevest is just for the Air France sake
Far from Where?: Don't need a lifevest but it's Air france
Far from Where?: In the wind
Far from Where?: still checking the sail
Far from Where?: checking the sail
Far from Where?: Döme staring into the depths of the horizon ;-)
Far from Where?: Döme on the way up and out
Far from Where?: Imre playing waterpolo (of course)
Far from Where?: Döme with waterpolo ball again
Far from Where?: Döme showing off waterpolo
Far from Where?: Döme juggling
Far from Where?: Krista top model
Far from Where?: Krista and horizon
Far from Where?: Döme with 6kg watermelon
Far from Where?: the crew 2
Far from Where?: Didnt we have a good time
Far from Where?: Krista and Imre from beneath
Far from Where?: Imre wearing my sunglasses
Far from Where?: That was a good waterpolo game
Far from Where?: Getting dry
Far from Where?: Back on board
Far from Where?: boats on Balatonfüred yachtclub
Far from Where?: me and you on the bench
Far from Where?: you and me on the bench
Far from Where?: dad mum and me
Far from Where?: soooo cute