Fardels.: WELCOME TO PARADISE - 1x.com Published - Heliophanus tribulosus
Fardels.: FRUITFLY PORTRAIT - Drosophila melanogaster - 1x.com Published
Fardels.: Kings of Leon - Bumblebee Portrait - 1x.com published - stacked
Fardels.: BALL HEAD - CABEZA DE BALON - FLY - STACKED - published in 1x.com
Fardels.: MISS RED EYES - Agallychnis callidryas - RANA DE OJOS ROJOS - ***CSHOT*** caborian (subforo macro) - Published in 1x.com
Fardels.: LORD VADER - WOLF SPIDER - [MACRO MONSTER] - 1x.com Published - Lycosa
Fardels.: HOVERFLY PORTRAIT - 1x.com published
Fardels.: Ladybug Walking on Drops - 1x.com Published
Fardels.: Monkey Frog - Agallychnis callidryas - 1x.com published