farbenblind: the boss hoss.
farbenblind: the mercenary.
farbenblind: maneater.
farbenblind: full of love.
farbenblind: fisherman's woman.
farbenblind: delightful sofia.
farbenblind: she is gorgeous.
farbenblind: he is gorgeous.
farbenblind: chipmunk.
farbenblind: white widow.
farbenblind: give me back my feathers!
farbenblind: last but not least: maurice again – the pink (okay, its violet :P ) tie.
farbenblind: maurice the dressman.
farbenblind: threesome.
farbenblind: I want to live in paradise.
farbenblind: up side down for two.
farbenblind: the mercenary.
farbenblind: the mercenary.
farbenblind: tifosi.
farbenblind: caring housemaid.
farbenblind: milk and honey.