weiwei620: The parking area right next to us
weiwei620: Our building, alone
weiwei620: The restaurant vs. Opera House
weiwei620: The restaurant, with the opera house next to us
weiwei620: The restaurant
weiwei620: The restaurant
weiwei620: cafe
weiwei620: wall for our menu
weiwei620: main entrance for bar
weiwei620: Main entrance for the cafe
weiwei620: outdoor shot
weiwei620: Outdoor shot
weiwei620: in between the bar and cafe
weiwei620: Walls from outside, thinking of adding some tiles to it
weiwei620: Going to sell this grinder, it's not what we want
weiwei620: another shot from next to main entrance
weiwei620: sitting area next to Cafe's main entrance
weiwei620: Mirror above the fireplace
weiwei620: Exsisting fireplace in the cafe
weiwei620: Another lighting
weiwei620: Lighting at the Cafe
weiwei620: Cafe's restroom
weiwei620: Cafe
weiwei620: Cafe
weiwei620: Another shot for the back room
weiwei620: Walk-In Fridge area
weiwei620: Wall between main dinning area and private room
weiwei620: the only sun roof
weiwei620: Private room
weiwei620: Future Kitchen area