Mike McCall: Alma Clark's Store
Mike McCall: Alma Clark's Store
Mike McCall: Porch of Alma Clark's Store
Mike McCall: Screened Porch
Mike McCall: Weathered Barn
Mike McCall: Abandoned Tarpaper House
Mike McCall: Sticks and Bricks
Mike McCall: A - Sunny Winter Day at the Mill Pond
Mike McCall: Trees Aflame
Mike McCall: Chappell's Mill, 1811
Mike McCall: Chappell's Mill, 1811
Mike McCall: Chappel's Mill, Interior
Mike McCall: Chappel's Mill on Big Sandy Creek
Mike McCall: Old Slaughterhouse, an attraction of Haunted Montrose
Mike McCall: Twentieth-century commercial structures
Mike McCall: Windows: T. C. Bobbitt Furniture & Dry Goods
Mike McCall: T. C. Bobbitt Furniture & Dry Goods
Mike McCall: Rusty Industrial Site
Mike McCall: Yellow House with a Rusty Roof
Mike McCall: The Bank of Rentz
Mike McCall: "During all the time that was his life...""
Mike McCall: Rotting Under the Pecan Trees
Mike McCall: There will be no tears
Mike McCall: Church in the Sticks
Mike McCall: Life here was no fairy tale
Mike McCall: Lost Dreams, Broken Souls