Mike McCall: Willacoochee Storefront, 4th of July
Mike McCall: Willacoochee Storefronts
Mike McCall: Willacoochee Storefront
Mike McCall: Willacoochee Storefront
Mike McCall: Corbitt Hardware
Mike McCall: A Yellow House in Willacoochee
Mike McCall: Willacoochee Caboose
Mike McCall: Photographing Willacoochee on the 4th of July
Mike McCall: Willacoochee Caboose
Mike McCall: Famous No Name Bar
Mike McCall: Famous No Name Bar
Mike McCall: Machinery Barn
Mike McCall: Salem Church
Mike McCall: Refuge Primitive Baptist Church, 1917
Mike McCall: Sweetwater Church, 1888