Mike McCall:
Mike McCall:
George L. Smith II State Park [090]
Mike McCall:
Pooky: Closer than she appears
Mike McCall:
World Upside-down -- Gen. Coffee St Pk [DSC_2640+]
Mike McCall:
River Pond
Mike McCall:
Window Panes #1
Mike McCall:
Destiny Assembly Revival Center
Mike McCall:
Lily Pads
Mike McCall:
Lily Pad Sky 1
Mike McCall:
Lily Pad Sky 2
Mike McCall:
A Puddle of Sky
Mike McCall:
We come in peace [1]
Mike McCall:
We Come in Peace [2]
Mike McCall:
Misty Cypress Reflections [244245246]
Mike McCall:
Perfectly Reflected [247248249]
Mike McCall:
Group Reflection [250251252]
Mike McCall:
Mike McCall:
Another reflection
Mike McCall:
Cloud TV
Mike McCall:
Above and Below
Mike McCall: