Fantoccio: one tea bag, two tea bags, three tea bags, four...
Fantoccio: my day| light
Fantoccio: my day| slide
Fantoccio: my day| water for
Fantoccio: my day| time
Fantoccio: tender
Fantoccio: nothing but the tree
Fantoccio: dive
Fantoccio: dark
Fantoccio: tulips make me cry every time.
Fantoccio: надо больше пить.
Fantoccio: we know how to drink.
Fantoccio: March the 8th.
Fantoccio: in the mood for ...
Fantoccio: it's all about my current mood |3
Fantoccio: it's all about my current mood |2
Fantoccio: it's all about my current mood.
Fantoccio: gonna have crazy coffee drinking always.
Fantoccio: it's all about alarm-clocks| хроники
Fantoccio: sing me a lullaby.
Fantoccio: in the mood for colours.
Fantoccio: makin' tea.
Fantoccio: blue shoes.
Fantoccio: winter cherry| твой-мой физалис.
Fantoccio: simple things.
Fantoccio: none of your concern. i'm gonna drink tea. it's the only thing i'm gonna do for the rest of my life.
Fantoccio: don't leave me high, don't leave me dry
Fantoccio: the pear