fantail media:
Christopher; braided.
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Christopher, by his daughter.
fantail media:
"hello, Keith"
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Outside of work.
fantail media:
"I'll fly away..."
fantail media:
Off the floor.
fantail media:
The dark at the top of the stairs
fantail media:
Where's my limo, man?
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Under the Brim
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Better after the coffee hits
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First time in years
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Across the water to Jefferson
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Thirty years on...
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Traffic stares back as a mess
fantail media:
"the echoes of my sins.."
fantail media:
sick day with PEN and OM, or relativity.
fantail media:
New glasses
fantail media:
fantail media:
Before they make me run
fantail media:
Yard self portrait with GF1 and 20mm f1.7
fantail media:
latest technology here; iPod dial version.
fantail media:
cut out
fantail media:
off the sides not the top
fantail media:
Grainy B&W self with PEN
fantail media:
they hunt me even in my sleep
fantail media:
at 48
fantail media:
blacked out
fantail media:
shiny with first wheels
fantail media:
I need my own float apparently.
fantail media:
Christopher on a corner in the VC