fansile: On the roof of Yaodong/表妹在窑顶上
fansile: Dog with no name/没有名字的狗狗
fansile: Songjiachuan Wubu Shanxi/吴堡的宋家川
fansile: Preparing for the dish/做烩菜的一些配料
fansile: grandma's courtyard/吴堡石城里外婆家的院子
fansile: waiting for the cable car/等待渡江的缆车
fansile: bicycle
fansile: apartment building in Shanghai
fansile: light
fansile: old office roof
fansile: bottle water
fansile: Bus
fansile: Skating in the Hutong
fansile: I can't even upload to flickr without a proxy
fansile: 热力公司的大烟囱1
fansile: 热力公司的大烟囱2
fansile: 大板楼和电线
fansile: my cousin/表弟
fansile: part of the bridesmaid team/泡泡堂及友情嘉宾
fansile: Shanghai Qigong Research Institute
fansile: dry in the sun