Garfni: upload
Garfni: Beloved friend!
Garfni: reflections of a dream...
Garfni: bond
Garfni: before the storm...
Garfni: reading about hellenic (greek) history
Garfni: castle ruins
Garfni: waterproof heart
Garfni: telling stories...
Garfni: abandonment
Garfni: alone
Garfni: old woman
Garfni: road to...?
Garfni: enjoying life!
Garfni: caught in the mirror...
Garfni: ...loves me?...loves me not?
Garfni: ...loves me?...loves me not?
Garfni: off
Garfni: ...about us...
Garfni: diary
Garfni: diary
Garfni: ...loves me?
Garfni: IMG_0764
Garfni: Ray of hope
Garfni: After the storm
Garfni: IMG_0794
Garfni: IMG_0793
Garfni: IMG_1554