fangedboy8: SuperFerry 1 (aerial bow shot 2)
fangedboy8: NN flag at MV SuperFerry 1's bow
fangedboy8: SuperFerry 1 (aerial bow shot)
fangedboy8: SuperFerry 1 (aereal shot)
fangedboy8: A rainy Thursday with SuperFerry 1, SuperFerry 5 and Sea Walrus
fangedboy8: SuperFerry 1 (aerial shot)
fangedboy8: SuperFerry 1 anchored at Manila Bay
fangedboy8: Vessels moored near Manila South Harbor
fangedboy8: MV SuperFerry 1
fangedboy8: SuperFerry 1 (starboard side profile)
fangedboy8: MV SuperFerry 1 (portside profile)
fangedboy8: MV SuperFerry 1
fangedboy8: tug assisted SuperFerry 5 and Sea Walrus
fangedboy8: SuperFerries 1 and 2
fangedboy8: MV SuperFerry 1 (aerial stern shot)
fangedboy8: MV SuperFerry 1 (aerial bow shot)