Fanellopi the Strange Doll: .__HippiePark__. 15 08 17 I afk
Fanellopi the Strange Doll: Where did I afk today?
Fanellopi the Strange Doll: HippiePark AFK 15 08 20 Diving
Fanellopi the Strange Doll: Crouching Lesbian, Hidden Dragon
Fanellopi the Strange Doll: 15 08 20 HippiePark AFK
Fanellopi the Strange Doll: I'm a statue. Seriously. 15 08 22
Fanellopi the Strange Doll: AFKing at Hippiepark House again
Fanellopi the Strange Doll: Arabesque AFK 15 08 23
Fanellopi the Strange Doll: AFK jumping the table 15 08 23
Fanellopi the Strange Doll: AFK faaaallliiiiiiiing 15 08 24