Famous the Cat: 20120321. The chickens have landed!
Famous the Cat: 20120321. Henrietta loses her balance.
Famous the Cat: 20120321. First drink at the fount!
Famous the Cat: 20120321. Right after their first little drink, they almost went to sleep...
Famous the Cat: 20120321. THE BABIES!
Famous the Cat: 20120321. Beaker the Easter Egger looking sweet.
Famous the Cat: 20120321. Henrietta.
Famous the Cat: 20120321. Settling right in (i.e. tripping over each other to get food and water).
Famous the Cat: 20120321. Chris and Henrietta the Buff Orpington. Look at that face!
Famous the Cat: 20120321. Chris and Henrietta the Buff Orpington.
Famous the Cat: 20120321. How four baby chicks get shipped around the country.
Famous the Cat: 20120321. The package was quite noisy when we got it from the post office.
Famous the Cat: 20120321. The package arrived at 5:40 am, and we got the call at 6:09 am. Way to go, USPS!
Famous the Cat: 20120321. Ono, australorp #2.
Famous the Cat: 20120321. Don't sh*t where you eat, my friend. Beaker the Easter Egger standing in her food.
Famous the Cat: 20120321. Henrietta the Buff Orpington.
Famous the Cat: 20120321. "If I can't see them, they can't see me."
Famous the Cat: 20120321. Henrietta the Buff Orpington, front and center.
Famous the Cat: 20120321. Yolko, australorp #1 (she's got lighter coloring on her head).
Famous the Cat: 20120321. The australorps - Yolko and Ono.
Famous the Cat: 20120321. The australorps - Yolko and Ono.
Famous the Cat: 20120321. Me with Beaker.
Famous the Cat: 20120321. The babies!
Famous the Cat: 20120321. Yolko.
Famous the Cat: 20120321. Me with Beaker.
Famous the Cat: 20120322. Cute move of the day: the chicken sprinter stretch.
Famous the Cat: 20120322. More sleep and Henrietta and Yolko's grown-up feathers starting to come in.
Famous the Cat: 20120322. And ate a little, too.
Famous the Cat: 20120322. Today, they slept all day long...
Famous the Cat: 20120322. Yesterday, they ate all day long...