Famous the Cat: 20110513. crappy picture of the front room.
Famous the Cat: 20110513. the lovliest kitchen.
Famous the Cat: 20110513. happy homeowner with storm trooper fireplace.
Famous the Cat: 20110513. happy homeowner.
Famous the Cat: 20110513. "what's that, dear? you want a dirty martini? coming right up!"
Famous the Cat: 20110513. master bedroom.
Famous the Cat: 20110513. where the magic happens. okay, not really...
Famous the Cat: 20110513. happy homeowner.
Famous the Cat: 20110513. happy homeowner.
Famous the Cat: 20110513. first dinner in the new house - frozen pizza!
Famous the Cat: 20110513. champagne and strawberries.
Famous the Cat: 20110513. champagne and strawberries.
Famous the Cat: 20110514. happy homeowner.
Famous the Cat: 20110514. happy homeowner.
Famous the Cat: 20110514. the insane bush, before pruning.
Famous the Cat: 20110514. documenting sun patterns in the backyard.
Famous the Cat: 20110514. documenting sun patterns in the backyard.
Famous the Cat: 20110514. the cutest, most ridiculous shelf of all.
Famous the Cat: 20110514. building the lawn mower!
Famous the Cat: 20110514. house NOT for sale!
Famous the Cat: 20110514. examining the insanely long first lowe's receipt.
Famous the Cat: 20110514. examining the insanely long first lowe's receipt.
Famous the Cat: 20110515. baby robin in the backyard.
Famous the Cat: 20110515. baby robin in the backyard.
Famous the Cat: 20110515. baby robin in the backyard.
Famous the Cat: 20110515. rain and yard work makes my hair curly.
Famous the Cat: 20110518. bed.
Famous the Cat: 20110518. me and the kittay.
Famous the Cat: 20110518. boombox licking my eyelashes.
Famous the Cat: 20110520. chris making the bed.