fameleaf is active :): View from the Stanford hill
fameleaf is active :): Cathay Pacific - Mega Top
fameleaf is active :): Walking by the rails
fameleaf is active :): I'm getting into my burrow
fameleaf is active :): Looking to the right!
fameleaf is active :): Who's there?
fameleaf is active :): The road not taken
fameleaf is active :): Spot the bird & name it :)
fameleaf is active :): Stanford University
fameleaf is active :): Sialia mexicana
fameleaf is active :): The fallen shall rise again
fameleaf is active :): Stanford Hill
fameleaf is active :): Joggers trail @ Stanford University
fameleaf is active :): Through the bay bridge
fameleaf is active :): Another take of Golden gate
fameleaf is active :): Following the ferry
fameleaf is active :): Soaring high
fameleaf is active :): The Big Ball
fameleaf is active :): Following you
fameleaf is active :): Let's pull up and split
fameleaf is active :): Formation flying
fameleaf is active :): I'm monitoring
fameleaf is active :): Ok... Click it fast
fameleaf is active :): The SFO skyline
fameleaf is active :): Here I go...