fameleaf is active :): Red vented Bulbul
fameleaf is active :): Red vented Bulbul
fameleaf is active :): Water flowing down the gates of Tungabhadra dam
fameleaf is active :): The garden adjoining the dam
fameleaf is active :): Tungabhadra river and Dam
fameleaf is active :): Power generation plant
fameleaf is active :): Please talk to me!
fameleaf is active :): Butterfly - Closeup
fameleaf is active :): Colorful - 03
fameleaf is active :): Colorful - 02
fameleaf is active :): Colorful - 01
fameleaf is active :): Getting the nectar!
fameleaf is active :): Getting the nectar!
fameleaf is active :): The fountain row
fameleaf is active :): Animals have much to say if we only stop to listen
fameleaf is active :): Walking away