fambee: In Progress - Journey Costume - Cape completed
fambee: Completed Red Journey Costume
fambee: Detail of Journey Costume Scarf
fambee: Journey Costumes
fambee: Back of Journey costume - Scarf Detail
fambee: Journey Traveler Costumes
fambee: Journey Traveler Costumes
fambee: Victorian Day at my daughter's primary school
fambee: Gilbert White Dressmaking team
fambee: Silk Regency Dress replica
fambee: Lustring Regency Dress Replica
fambee: Muslin Regency Dress replica
fambee: 8ft handmade Jack Skellington in tailored suit
fambee: Jack Skellington, Zero and Zero's Doghouse
fambee: Resurfaced Zero's head after some cracking had formed after a year of storage
fambee: 4ft Christmas Frog I made for my mother
fambee: Dragon head scupted from polymer clay
fambee: Stuffed Animal Pants I made for my son
fambee: Costume made for my daughter when she played an orphan in the play Annie
fambee: Bugz play costumes
fambee: Bugz Play 3
fambee: Bugz play 4
fambee: Bugz play