8 SίMpLe RuLeS *Enjoying Mommyhood :)*: Zeetz Jones in action :)
8 SίMpLe RuLeS *Enjoying Mommyhood :)*: Sending birthday blessings filled with love, peace and joy... wishing sweetest things to happen right before your eyes!
8 SίMpLe RuLeS *Enjoying Mommyhood :)*: Flickr friends and bokeh! :)
8 SίMpLe RuLeS *Enjoying Mommyhood :)*: The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.
8 SίMpLe RuLeS *Enjoying Mommyhood :)*: Having a great time with the girls :)
8 SίMpLe RuLeS *Enjoying Mommyhood :)*: Mai trying on the big, red hat that matches her shirt :)
8 SίMpLe RuLeS *Enjoying Mommyhood :)*: Visiting my good friend 12Oranges aka Anna Guia
8 SίMpLe RuLeS *Enjoying Mommyhood :)*: My good, old friend Mitch. It's nice to catch up!