Gabbabast: Trout pool at Rainbow Springs, Rotorua
Gabbabast: Yeah, right
Gabbabast: Punk swan
Gabbabast: Pssst. Wanna see a blue fish?
Gabbabast: Bubbly 'Rowr'
Gabbabast: Brown trout relaxing at home
Gabbabast: Same day, same waterfall, different frame
Gabbabast: It was all a blur
Gabbabast: Verdant ferniage
Gabbabast: Greeny leaf
Gabbabast: Leafy green
Gabbabast: Rowr
Gabbabast: Pretty in green
Gabbabast: Ad infinitum
Gabbabast: The sky is bruising...
Gabbabast: Gimme the moonlight
Gabbabast: The trees, talk to the trees!
Gabbabast: Green lake in green-ish
Gabbabast: Lake Okaraka in blue
Gabbabast: What the duck?
Gabbabast: Lake Okaraka in green
Gabbabast: Buildingboatbuildingboat
Gabbabast: Biiiig boat
Gabbabast: Brown Bay stump
Gabbabast: Brown Bay river
Gabbabast: Escape route
Gabbabast: Towering silhouettes
Gabbabast: Pippies anyone?