fallen_wiccan: Arednel and her fav ride
fallen_wiccan: WoWScrnShot_070109_211210
fallen_wiccan: Level 50
fallen_wiccan: WoWScrnShot_082709_212305
fallen_wiccan: Explore Eversong Woods
fallen_wiccan: Explore Ghostlands
fallen_wiccan: Not So Fast
fallen_wiccan: The Grim Reaper
fallen_wiccan: Know Thy Enemy
fallen_wiccan: The Sickly Gazelle
fallen_wiccan: That Takes Class
fallen_wiccan: 100 Honorable Kills
fallen_wiccan: WoWScrnShot_091109_225035
fallen_wiccan: Ding! 60
fallen_wiccan: Venomhide Mount
fallen_wiccan: Level 60 Onyxia Raid before it disappeared!
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fallen_wiccan: Heroic: Hellfire Ramparts