fallacy: getting ready to eat
fallacy: Nephew of love
fallacy: Gabby's attentive
fallacy: Full kitchen
fallacy: Kitchen of love (food)
fallacy: Kris and Lacey
fallacy: Glen's girlfriend
fallacy: snacking
fallacy: Ready!
fallacy: I'm the crazy one
fallacy: cause we're cool
fallacy: and again
fallacy: She's the pretty one
fallacy: Sporting mom's new jacket
fallacy: Sissy Julie
fallacy: Kim and Julie
fallacy: Sisters talking
fallacy: Nicole eats
fallacy: Cute Gabby
fallacy: Good Gabby
fallacy: Easter eggs
fallacy: angels
fallacy: Stairway to heaven, duh
fallacy: a total accident
fallacy: what now!
fallacy: We are totally rockstars
fallacy: dad + grandps
fallacy: I'll getchoo
fallacy: We think alike
fallacy: Niece