fallacy: Ghost goes outside
fallacy: Ghost loves me
fallacy: Ghost2
fallacy: "mommy I love you!!!!"
fallacy: Fat-boy is infatuated with Ghost's ear
fallacy: Ghost gets walked on
fallacy: curious c(r)at
fallacy: exploring
fallacy: looking out the window
fallacy: Ghost being an unhappy kitty
fallacy: but the rat is so cute!
fallacy: rat kisses
fallacy: could that be a love bite or a kiss?
fallacy: they love each other
fallacy: Barbeque central
fallacy: Macro Ghost
fallacy: Ghost stuck in the shadows
fallacy: such a stoic creature
fallacy: Ghost moving
fallacy: Ghost
fallacy: ghost2
fallacy: Chris loves Ghost
fallacy: Trying for eye zoom
fallacy: wide-eyed cat
fallacy: Ghost
fallacy: Ghost drinks
fallacy: IMG_1208
fallacy: IMG_1207
fallacy: Ghost inspects trampoline