That Dolly Girl From Dreamland: 10-16-08 homemade sushi by mom 老媽包的壽司 >///<"
That Dolly Girl From Dreamland: 09-12-08 me and mom made 100 moon cakes this year
That Dolly Girl From Dreamland: 08-28-08 I was so awful sick today, and when I waked up from a nap, I found out that mom made these moon cakes by herself >///<" so proud of her ~
That Dolly Girl From Dreamland: trip in Taiwan, Jan 2009 東勢林場
That Dolly Girl From Dreamland: trip in Taiwan, Jan 2009 東勢林場
That Dolly Girl From Dreamland: I took this photo while my dad was still driving >///<" super scary
That Dolly Girl From Dreamland: 朋友給我的愛就像天使的翅膀撫平我的傷痛
That Dolly Girl From Dreamland: Friendship is like the wings of love from angel to heal my pain
That Dolly Girl From Dreamland: Friendship is like the wings of love from angel to heal my pain
That Dolly Girl From Dreamland: 焗烤白醬奶油培根義大利麵
That Dolly Girl From Dreamland: First bloom, early spring 2010.
That Dolly Girl From Dreamland: 1/13 今年第一朵梅花
That Dolly Girl From Dreamland: plum blossom, 9 days after snow
That Dolly Girl From Dreamland: My dearest friends, I wish you have a Happy Valentine's Day
That Dolly Girl From Dreamland: Have a Nice Weekend~ ♥
That Dolly Girl From Dreamland: Today's afternoon tea special by Chef Annie- Strawberry Cheese Cake
That Dolly Girl From Dreamland: Happy Birthday, my little sweet sister~ ♥