That Dolly Girl From Dreamland: me with my girlfriend and a cute girl from a popular store in Taiwan
That Dolly Girl From Dreamland: me with My God daughter, she is super cute
That Dolly Girl From Dreamland: wearing all my own designs, with my god daughter
That Dolly Girl From Dreamland: my god daughter is wearing my design
That Dolly Girl From Dreamland: Jaconi was so funny to wear my shoes dancing and walking in the house
That Dolly Girl From Dreamland: I made this pink lace tutu for my God Daughter
That Dolly Girl From Dreamland: my god daughter is wearing my design (skirt)
That Dolly Girl From Dreamland: I made this skirt for my God daughter
That Dolly Girl From Dreamland: me God daughter is wearing my own design
That Dolly Girl From Dreamland: I made this dress for my friend's daughter
That Dolly Girl From Dreamland: wearing all my own designs with my cousin
That Dolly Girl From Dreamland: wearing my own design (denim dress)
That Dolly Girl From Dreamland: trip in Taiwan, Jan 2009 東勢林場
That Dolly Girl From Dreamland: trip in Taiwan, Jan 2009 東勢林場
That Dolly Girl From Dreamland: Trip in Taiwan, Jan 2009 薰衣草森林
That Dolly Girl From Dreamland: Trip in Taiwan, Jan 2009 薰衣草森林
That Dolly Girl From Dreamland: Thank You~ My friends
That Dolly Girl From Dreamland: with my best friend and her dog at my house in Taiwan
That Dolly Girl From Dreamland: Let's go pluck strawberrys (me and my cousin
That Dolly Girl From Dreamland: Let's go pluck strawberrys
That Dolly Girl From Dreamland: my first time plucking strawberrys
That Dolly Girl From Dreamland: so cute and delicious
That Dolly Girl From Dreamland: plum flower? cherry blossoms?
That Dolly Girl From Dreamland: 台中燈會 *很熱鬧也很無聊 XD
That Dolly Girl From Dreamland: 台中一中街 >///<"
That Dolly Girl From Dreamland: mutton noddle 終於讓我吃到羊肉炒麵了 *超滿足~*