falk.petro: Regenfront in Alberta, Kanada
falk.petro: Wilcox Trail, Rocky Mountains
falk.petro: Jasper National Park: View from Wilcox Trail
falk.petro: Blick auf das Columbia Icefield vom Wilcox Trail aus
falk.petro: Pica/Amerikanischer Pfeifhase
falk.petro: Eisgraues Murmeltier/Hoary Marmot
falk.petro: Eisgraues Murmeltier/Hoary Marmot
falk.petro: Wapiti Hirsch
falk.petro: Icefield Parkeway
falk.petro: Moraine Lake
falk.petro: Lake Luise, Mirror Lake, Lake Agnes
falk.petro: Eichhörnchen
falk.petro: Schneehuhn/Ptarmigan
falk.petro: Schwarzbär/Blackbear
falk.petro: Schwarzbär/Blackbear
falk.petro: Erdhörnchen/Groundsquirrel
falk.petro: Altes Auto/Old Car
falk.petro: Pferd am Morgen/Horse in the morning sun
falk.petro: Calgary Tower
falk.petro: Calgary by night
falk.petro: Arne und Jörn vor der Kunstgalery/Arne and Joern in front of an Art Gallery
falk.petro: Business Tower
falk.petro: China Town
falk.petro: Anflug auf Calgary
falk.petro: Anflug auf Calgary
falk.petro: Grönland/Greenland