The bird-painter:
IMG_5587 Honey Buzzard, adult male
The bird-painter:
IMG_5598 H. B.
The bird-painter:
IMG_5468 Honey Buzzard, juvenile
The bird-painter:
IMG_5601 Honey Buzzard, adult
The bird-painter:
IMG_5600 H. B.
The bird-painter:
IMG_5571 H. B.
The bird-painter:
IMG_5551 H. B.
The bird-painter:
,Pernis apivorus, (IN)European Honey-buzzard, (EN) Honey Buzzard, (US)European Honey-buzzard , (FI) mehiläishaukka, (DE) Wespenbussard, (SV) Bivråk, (FR) Bondrée apivore, (ES) Abejero europeo, (CA) Aligot vesper, (IT) Pecchiaiolo, (NL) Wespendief, (DA) Hv
The bird-painter:
_MG_4789 Honeybuzzard
The bird-painter:
_MG_4867 Honeybuzzard
The bird-painter:
_MG_4763 Honeybuzzard
The bird-painter:
_MG_4750 Honeybuzzard