fotofal: standing stones -bernera
fotofal: bridge over the atlantic - berenera-lewis
fotofal: norse mill - great bernera
fotofal: restored norse mill - great bernera
fotofal: towards norse mill - great bernera
fotofal: bosta iron age house
fotofal: bosta iron age house 2
fotofal: inside bosta iron age house
fotofal: reef beach 3
fotofal: reef beach 2
fotofal: reef beach
fotofal: shells at the shore - reef beach
fotofal: razor shells at reef bay
fotofal: coloured razor shells
fotofal: crab shell
fotofal: canoe at reef beach
fotofal: ardroil - chessman carving 2
fotofal: ardroil - chessman carving
fotofal: rocks at mangurstadh
fotofal: mangurstadh bay - rocks 3
fotofal: mangurstadh bay - rocks 2
fotofal: mangurstadh bay - rocks
fotofal: mangurstadh bay - rocks 4
fotofal: flannan isles
fotofal: bog cotton
fotofal: mealasta - lewis
fotofal: flannan isles from mealasta
fotofal: mealasta - lewis 2
fotofal: ardroil - chessman carving 3
fotofal: sand ripples - uig - lewis