annaspies: kid art: this IS just incredible and i AM so talented!
annaspies: kid art: so, a horse walks into a bar...
annaspies: kid art: mr. red fox, i presume?
annaspies: kid art: obviously the sign of an overactive imagination
annaspies: kid art: pretentious from the start
annaspies: kid art: woot! bank robbery! the future?
annaspies: kid art: seriously, what did my mom smoke when she was pregnant with me?
annaspies: kid art: the sun will give you cancer and hearts
annaspies: kid art: when driving, watch for bunnies
annaspies: kid art: princess Anna?
annaspies: kid art: little crackhouse on the prairie
annaspies: kid art: i hope she liked it
annaspies: kid art: the legend of the white eagle
annaspies: kid art: Kitty, my first cat
annaspies: kid art: science class?
annaspies: kid art: my family...
annaspies: kid art: did you know dinosaurs liked ice cream?
annaspies: kid art: happily ever after
annaspies: kid art: i think i wanted to live in an igloo
annaspies: kid art: things like this make me wonder...
annaspies: kid art: spot spot
annaspies: kid art: escher jr.?
annaspies: kid art: that's kinda psychedelic
annaspies: kid art: apparently my dad liked cars and aliens?
annaspies: kid art: gay pride?
annaspies: kid art: who didn't love the ninja turtles?
annaspies: kid art: what was I on?
annaspies: kid art: it's Art
annaspies: kid art: jesus, that's bright
annaspies: kid art: escher jr.?