fake is the new real:
Debris line on Bond Street.
fake is the new real:
Gowanus debris at 3rd Street
fake is the new real:
Gowanus at 3rd Street
fake is the new real:
Tethering your boat in the middle of the Canal was a good choice
fake is the new real:
ConEd Fence take IV
fake is the new real:
Gowanus north from Carroll
fake is the new real:
Parking lot on Carroll
fake is the new real:
Gowanus, north from Union
fake is the new real:
Gowanus at DeGraw Street
fake is the new real:
Gowanus at DeGraw Street
fake is the new real:
Gowanus at DeGraw Street
fake is the new real:
DeGraw floodwaters
fake is the new real:
DeGraw Street
fake is the new real:
loose piece of sheet metal
fake is the new real:
Fence, take III
fake is the new real:
From Carroll Street
fake is the new real:
The impervious surfaces of Gowanus tremble with delight as they remember their past as salt marshes
fake is the new real:
Gowanus approaches high tide
fake is the new real:
Curse of Frankenstorm
fake is the new real:
Swale doing its job
fake is the new real:
Wind-shaken, rain-blurred panorama
fake is the new real:
Flying metal
fake is the new real:
Gowanus at Union
fake is the new real:
Gowanus at DeGraw Street
fake is the new real:
Gowanus at DeGraw Street
fake is the new real:
Butler and Nevins
fake is the new real:
Gowanus, south from 3rd Street
fake is the new real:
Gowanus, north from 3rd Street
fake is the new real:
Gowanus at 2nd Street
fake is the new real:
Gowanus - Carroll Street Bridge works