faithmichael: two ways
faithmichael: two faces | faceless
faithmichael: Perriee (Mary's kitchen)
faithmichael: with dots
faithmichael: Self | self
faithmichael: three leaves (revealing)
faithmichael: with the giant leaf
faithmichael: both sides
faithmichael: nothing to see, hotels
faithmichael: Canon Beach, Oregon
faithmichael: Canon Beach, Oregon
faithmichael: Canon Beach, Oregon
faithmichael: Marietta (From the FotoFocus 2014 Arthub. Washington Park. Cincinnati, Ohio.)
faithmichael: Jess (Snow Lake, Washington.)
faithmichael: Self portrait with endings
faithmichael: Self portrait with endings
faithmichael: basement light
faithmichael: a scene from the attic
faithmichael: Happy Polaroid week from Newport, KY!
faithmichael: attic still life
faithmichael: Daryn (blinded)
faithmichael: (self)
faithmichael: Perriee
faithmichael: attic still life