photos=happiness - I am back!!: Where did that stick go?
photos=happiness - I am back!!: Yup I am a Bernedoodle
photos=happiness - I am back!!: A little girl's best friend
photos=happiness - I am back!!: Where is that bird?
photos=happiness - I am back!!: Finally lying still....
photos=happiness - I am back!!: Charlie and her stick
photos=happiness - I am back!!: A portrait of Charlie
photos=happiness - I am back!!: Bashful or Lonely?
photos=happiness - I am back!!: Who needs a water bowl!!
photos=happiness - I am back!!: A close up of Charlie
photos=happiness - I am back!!: Our dog's "utter joy" face!!
photos=happiness - I am back!!: Did you ever notice when you blow in a dog's face he gets mad at you? But when you take him in a car he sticks his head out the window. ~Steve Bluestone
photos=happiness - I am back!!: Charlie having a bad hair day! (Explore!!)