Faisal~: Ever Watchful Eye (IR)
Faisal~: Palm Trees
Faisal~: Infinity and Beyond
Faisal~: IR - Waterfall
Faisal~: Fantay World
Faisal~: IR Heaven
Faisal~: Lake (IR)
Faisal~: IR - Trees (Vivo City)
Faisal~: IR - Sun Bath
Faisal~: IR - Dark Waters
Faisal~: Lets sit for a while...
Faisal~: IR on the GO :)
Faisal~: IR - Green House Effect
Faisal~: Wild
Faisal~: Would love to live here :-)
Faisal~: IR to Infinity :)
Faisal~: IR #1
Faisal~: IR #2
Faisal~: IR #3
Faisal~: Highway to...
Faisal~: Lousy Composition...
Faisal~: Dry Nala
Faisal~: Road to my Office
Faisal~: Across the Road
Faisal~: IR-Dreamland
Faisal~: IR-Palms
Faisal~: Walk in the park
Faisal~: Just sit and relax :)
Faisal~: My Office (NCS)
Faisal~: Dedicated to Xploiтєя ™ :)