Sarah @ FairyFace Designs: Solids Swap package finished
Sarah @ FairyFace Designs: Messenger bag finished
Sarah @ FairyFace Designs: Solids Messenger bag hanging
Sarah @ FairyFace Designs: Messenger bag back
Sarah @ FairyFace Designs: Messenger Bag front
Sarah @ FairyFace Designs: Back panel pocket
Sarah @ FairyFace Designs: Zip Pouch in bag
Sarah @ FairyFace Designs: Solids wonky star zip pouch
Sarah @ FairyFace Designs: Small item zip pouch back and lining
Sarah @ FairyFace Designs: Zip pocket detail
Sarah @ FairyFace Designs: X + zip pouch back
Sarah @ FairyFace Designs: Hand quilting detail
Sarah @ FairyFace Designs: Makeup Zip pouch lining
Sarah @ FairyFace Designs: Make Up zip pouch
Sarah @ FairyFace Designs: Handmade iPhone cozy
Sarah @ FairyFace Designs: Phone cozy hanging on bag
Sarah @ FairyFace Designs: buttons partner 2
Sarah @ FairyFace Designs: Patchwork pouch
Sarah @ FairyFace Designs: Patchwork pouch front partial
Sarah @ FairyFace Designs: Patchwork pouch inside filled
Sarah @ FairyFace Designs: Needle case & Pincushion Goodie for Partner 1
Sarah @ FairyFace Designs: Needlecase inside view1
Sarah @ FairyFace Designs: Needlecase inside pocket
Sarah @ FairyFace Designs: Cerise box pouch and coin purse
Sarah @ FairyFace Designs: Box pouch cerise rose with lining
Sarah @ FairyFace Designs: Box pouch cerise rose closed