Fair Trade Federation:
Welcome to the 2010 Futures Conference
Fair Trade Federation:
Equal Exchange stickers and other items ready for swag bags
Fair Trade Federation:
Mary Parrish preps a sea of swag bags
Fair Trade Federation:
Rachel Bradburd shows off the lovely badge holders from Handcrafting Justice
Fair Trade Federation:
Sea of Swag Bags 2
Fair Trade Federation:
Sea of Swag Bags
Fair Trade Federation:
Serena Sato from SERRV helps to prepare gift bags
Fair Trade Federation:
Shipping Off to Boson
Fair Trade Federation:
Ana Paula MacArthur of SOL Fair Trade makes a point in the retail wholesale discussion
Fair Trade Federation:
Handmade Expressions receives the 2010 Excellence in Product Design Award
Fair Trade Federation:
Mary Joan Ferrera of UPAVIM listens intently during the FTF member meeting
Fair Trade Federation:
Lynn Cook of Global Village Collection shares her perspective
Fair Trade Federation:
Raj and Atsushi Ohno clap along to JAMTOWN's intro
Fair Trade Federation:
License Plates at the Futures Conference
Fair Trade Federation:
Jackie DeCarlo welcomes everyone to the 2010 Futures Conference
Fair Trade Federation:
John Hayden draws out words and rhythms from the Futures crowd
Fair Trade Federation:
Nancy has a great time keeping our opening rhythm
Fair Trade Federation:
Fair Trade Federation Members Luncheon Discussion
Fair Trade Federation:
Brian Benson of the Patriot Ledger interviews Philomena Mashaka of TEMAK
Fair Trade Federation:
Okika Abraham poses a question to four producer representatives
Fair Trade Federation:
Philomena Mashaka of TEMAK reflects on whether Fair Trade delivers on its promises
Fair Trade Federation:
Shin Shin Hsu reflects on her time as a retailer with Ten Thousand Villages Seattle
Fair Trade Federation:
Sophi Tranchell of Divine Chocolate shares her thoughts in the World Cafe
Fair Trade Federation:
Hope Kolly offers closing remarks
Fair Trade Federation:
Bill Fries, a Catholic Relief Services Ambassador, shares his reflections on the future of Fair Trade
Fair Trade Federation:
Mary Parrish, Rachel Bradburd, and Brian Smucker celebrate a successful Fair Trade Futures conference
Fair Trade Federation:
Tex Dworkin outlines three rules for Social Media
Fair Trade Federation:
Jennifer Maez of Villanova University reflects on the Futures Conference during closing ceremonies
Fair Trade Federation:
Esther Gyepi-Garbrah of Global Mamas Ghana talks about navigating relationships with buyers over time
Fair Trade Federation:
Anna Canning explores the Fair Trade information table