Fairphone: Freedom Square, Accra
Fairphone: Street in Accra
Fairphone: Street side electronic repairs, Accra
Fairphone: Advertising mobile phones, Accra
Fairphone: Entering Agbogbloshie
Fairphone: Bibi and Mike Anane, Agbogbloshie
Fairphone: Used PCBs, Agbogbloshie
Fairphone: Lonely phone, Agbogbloshie
Fairphone: Separated charger plugs
Fairphone: Separating charger plugs from cables
Fairphone: Bringing cables to burning site
Fairphone: Chargers collected (using a monitor as a bucket!)
Fairphone: Chargers arrive direct from factory (production flaw)
Fairphone: Burning site, Agbogbloshie
Fairphone: Copper from cables arrive back from burning site
Fairphone: Searching for precious metals
Fairphone: Collection of (urban mined) copper
Fairphone: Collection of (urban mined) copper
Fairphone: Presentation on e-waste in Church, Accra
Fairphone: Presentation on e-waste in Church, Accra
Fairphone: Joost & Nana w/collected phones
Fairphone: Weighing collected phones
Fairphone: Nana, Bibi & Joost w/collected phones
Fairphone: Bibi & Raluca talk to the collectors
Fairphone: Bibi with collected phones